Upcoming Events

There are many ways to connect at

Wellspring Family Church!

Women's Winter Bible Study

Starting January 14, 15, 16—Join the Women of Wellspring this winter for “Abide: A study of 1, 2 & 3 John” by Jen Wilkin starting the week of January 14. In this 10-session video based, verse-by-verse study, we’ll discover how the Apostle John’s words challenge us to recall our great salvation and abide in the truth.

There will be 3 in-person discussion sessions each week in the Youth Room: Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, Wednesdays 9-10:30am and Thursdays 9-10:30am. Sign-up for a session and make a donation toward the book in Church Center until Thursday, January 16.

Contact Robin Connelly for more information.

January 25—Women of Wellspring Game Night

Saturday, January 25, 6:30am-9—Women of Wellspring Board (not Bored) Game Night!

Come join us for an evening of fun, food and fellowship. We’ll gather at Wellspring Family Church in the Multi-purpose Room. Come when you can, stay as long as you are able!

This is an opportunity both for the young in age and young in heart to play games, do a puzzle, gab with friends and enjoy snacks! Games, puzzles, and simple snacks for all ages will be provided, but feel free to bring a favorite game or snack if you wish!

Questions? Contact Cheryl Kelley mcejkelley@hotmail.com.

January 26—Elder-Family Chat

Sunday, January 269:30am—Join us for an informal discussion with our Elders and Pastors. We will hear ministry and facility plan updates. We will meet in the Multipurpose Room. Youth are encouraged to attend.

January 26—Life Team Meeting

Sunday, January 26, 12:15pmJoin us for a light lunch in the Conference Room and find out how Wellspring promotes life at all stages. We will have a time of prayer and discussion on current life issues. The Life Team meets when there is a fifth Sunday in the month. For more information, please contact Denise B.

February 2—Prayer for our NEXT Building Project

Sunday, February 2, 12:15pm—Please join with your church family the first Sunday of the month for a time of prayer for our building project. We will pray for the NEXT project, budget and schedule, the safety of our workers, and God’s future plans for us, our building and our communities. Place to be announced.

February 2—Mission Lunch: Uganda

Sunday, February 2, 12:15pm—Join us for our all-church lunch in the Multipurpose Room and hear updates and serving opportunities to our ministry to vulnerable children in Uganda. This will not be a potluck. Wellspring will provide a humble and simple lunch.

February 8—Men's Ministry Breakfast Showdown

Saturday, February 8, 8am—Calling all men… and their best breakfast dish! We challenge you to make your favorite, best, most amazing, killer breakfast food … and bring it to the men’s breakfast to be judged by experts and appreciated by all. Speaker Pastor Aaron Crider. Prizes will be awarded. Fun and fellowship will be had.

Totally free. Just bring a food item and a friend. We’ll provide the drinks. Check your dish in to the judges at 7:45am. Prayer and Breakfast starts at 8am.

February 9—WOW Bridal Shower

Sunday, February 9, 12:15pm—Women of Wellspring. Let us gather to shower Grace Mays with love, and encouragement at 12:15pm. We will meet in the Multipurpose Room. There will be a light lasagna and salad luncheon.

February 15—SOS—Women's Sewing Ministry

Saturday, February 15, 9am-1pm—Ladies both young and young at heart, join in fellowship of women from Wellspring and create items that benefit those served by Oasis International, inExcelsis, and other missions. No sewing knowledge required. Contact Christy Hageman or 636-795-2467 with questions.

SOS meets on the third Saturday of each month. Next gathering is March 15.

February 15-17—President's Day Youth Retreat

Saturday-Monday, February 15-17—Wellspring students in grades 6-12, and their friends, are invited to join us for an amazing weekend of fun, worship, time with friends, and learning about how to live for God and Him each day! Students and leaders from several churches will come together for this retreat at Pinecrest Camp in Fredricktown, Missouri. CLICK HERE to register. You won’t want to miss this!

February 19—Men's Ministry FIRE!

3rd Wednesdays, 6:30-8pmMen of Wellspring, you’re invited to monthly “Fires” in the back field—third Wednesdays of the month. Show up as you are. No pretenses. No judgements. Join with guys who want to know Jesus and connect with other men, and enjoy a time of real connection … and fire! BYO snacks / drinks, friends, camping chair, and some wood to burn. Dads can attend while their kids are at Kids in Motion.

February 22—Chili Cook-off Fundraiser

Saturday, February 22—Plan to attend our annual Chili Cook-off fellowship event and fundraiser for scholarships for children’s camps and Youth retreats. This year we will include a bake sale and silent auction. Bring a pot of chili, a chili topping, or dessert… and your checkbook!

February 23—Congregational Meeting

February 23, 9:30am—Join us for our Congregational Meeting to vote on our annual budget for 2023. Youth are encouraged to attend.

June 23-27—Camp Motion
Save the dates June 23-27. Camp Motion: Special Edition 2025 is coming! Watch for registration coming soon.
• New this year: every camper will experience the best of all 3 camps—Art, Sports & STEM.
• Kids going into 1st grade through 5th grade are invited to join us for Camp Motion.
• New times this year: 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
There are many ways to serve. Volunteer to serve full days, half days, or by providing supplies.
CLICK HERE sign up to volunteer. Questions about volunteering can be directed to Bekah Segrist at bekah.segrist@gmail.com.
July 13-16—King's Kids Camp

Save the dates! More information coming soon.

July 28-August 1—Camp Barnabas

Save the dates! More information coming soon.

October 3, 4, 5—Family Camp

Save the dates! More information coming soon.